This helps Bumbas frizzes but its not a daily thing I use right yet
1. Container
2.( 2) Small bowls
3. Spoon
4. Wisk
1. Shea Butter
2.Mango Butter
4.Castor Oil
5.Juice from a carrot
*Get any type of container you please for your moisturizer you can get all kinds at a dollar tree or store of that sort.
*Rinse Out Container just for saftey!
*Let air dry
*Take bowl add your desire of shea butter , and mango butter stir together in a bowl
*In bowl two mix evco and castor oil and carrot juice in together
*Stir well
*While folding butter take other bowl and start slowly stirring in that mix
*Take the wisk and wisk until smooth and fully mixed
*Then spoon into container
*Seal. Then set in fridge so it can settle
---------->Theres all different mixes you can try and make for baby for moisture. Just depends whats best for him.her.
nice receipe, thanks for sharing :)